In our language there are many words that are used in different meanings. Accordingly, they should be understood based on the full content of the text. A clear example of this is the meaning of the word "frontier".
What does it mean?
The meaning of the word "frontier" is not correctly understood out of the general context. This word is most often used in colloquial speech in the following meanings:
- the border of something - both the state and the river or garden;
- limit;
- overcoming a certain stage, milestones in any area and in life itself;
- separating line;
- a place of concentration of military operations - defense and capture.

However, each of the meanings can also be used in colloquial speech with different meanings.
Speech examples
In the sense of a border, a border is not only a territory where one state ends and another begins. The word can be used to designate absolutely any boundaries. This is the border of both bicycle parking and the sidewalk with the roadway. The word can mean the border of a river or an urban area, evengarden plot.
An example of such a phrase: "The city's borders have turned into a dump."
In the meaning of the limit, the word can be used in conversation both to characterize emotions, and to express ideas related to the "border" or the framework of consciousness, mental capabilities.
An example of such a phrase: “From hatred to love, the line has been crossed.”
Overcoming a certain life milestone is both study, and age limits, and, in principle, any period in a person's life. It is also the end of some temporary stage.
Examples of similar phrases:
- At the turn of the century.
- The turn of the millennium has been taken.
- The age limit has been passed.
Military use this word to denote a line of fortifications or some strategically important place.
An example of such a phrase: "The lines of the enemy defense were broken."

Accordingly, a frontier is a word used in colloquial speech in a wide variety of meanings.
How did it come about?
Many words used in modern speech are borrowed from foreign languages. Due to the specific sound, quite often people think that the boundary is a foreign word.
But that's not the case at all. It comes from the ancient Russian "frontier". In ancient Russia, the border is a verb, that is, the word denoted an action. And it conveyed deforestation in the form of clearings, during which a tree-free strip with clearly defined boundaries was formed.
The word is present not only in Russian, but also inspeeches of other Slavic peoples. It is available in Bulgarian, Belarusian, Czech, Croatian and other languages.