Gondoliers - who are they? Venetian gondoliers

Gondoliers - who are they? Venetian gondoliers
Gondoliers - who are they? Venetian gondoliers

Gondola and gondolier - these two words are firmly rooted in Venice. It is this type of transport that is considered the legendary symbol of this city. Venice itself arose from rural villages that were scattered along the lagoon of a small river. Over time, many channels appeared, and a huge water labyrinth was formed. As the years passed, the city grew, and in order to get around, gondolas (small boats) were used, which were the only possible transport.

Now there are many theatrical productions, legends, stories and even novels that are dedicated to the Venetian rowers or where they play an important role. There is even "Gondoliers" - a film that Stephen King specifically shot about them. These boatmen have firmly entered the life, history and culture of Venice and Italy as a whole. And rightly considered the most famous landmark of the city. There is no such tourist who visited Venice, who at least once would not ride a gondola.


Of all water transport, this boat was the most suitable. It is light, roomy, maneuverable and fast. In terms of its elegance, the boat is not inferior to small yachts of the highest class. It was decided to build gondolas only with a flat bottom, since their purpose is to transport people and goods over shallowchannels and ducts.

Gondoliers are
Gondoliers are


These boats need to be steered. Gondoliers are just the people who do this. Initially, they stood in the center of the boat, but to accommodate as many passengers as possible, the “workplace” was moved to the beginning of the vessel, to the stern. The meaning of the word "gondoliers": boat operators, rowers.

Thanks to this rearrangement, innovations also appeared: it took a heavy long oar, which was made of strong and dense beech. To manipulate it, the gondolier required considerable dexterity and strength. And the second innovation is the position of the oar, which served to control. In order for it to hold tight, an oarlock (fork) was invented. It was made from walnut. This oarlock had a series of slots into which oars were inserted in turn. It was possible to change the length of the lever and thereby adjust the speed of the gondola.

After the oars, it was necessary to change the bow of the boats, and it was made heavier, as opposed to the gondolier, who was at the stern. Thus, another innovation appeared - "iron". This is the name of a heavy metal plate with 6 teeth arranged horizontally and curled up. Outwardly, it resembles the headdress comb of the Doges of Venice.

Venetian gondolier
Venetian gondolier

A little about the profession

It requires a special skill from a person, and usually it is inherited. The Venetian gondolier begins his training as a boy. Since the age of 10, he has been trained to use a paddle and taught history, singing andforeign languages. Gondoliers even have their own songs called barcarolles. The word is Italian and comes from "boat".

Especial attention is paid to we althy tourists. Today, the Venetian gondolier is a special caste of handsome men who know several languages, have aristocratic manners and know how to give the most exquisite compliments to the fair sex. And age doesn't matter. Therefore, gondoliers are often portrayed as gigolos, who are in high demand.

gondoliers movie
gondoliers movie

Profession: gondoliers - who are they?

They are slow and have self-respect. They have their own uniform, which consists of a straw hat framed with ribbons and a striped T-shirt. This profession is considered very prestigious, so licenses are severely limited. In total, strictly 425 can be issued - no less, no more.

Women Gondoliers

It so happened that gondoliers are always men, but in 2009 a tradition that has been observed for centuries was broken. Boscolo Georgia, who was only 23 years old, successfully passed the exams and was the first in the world among the fair sex to receive a license. This caused great discontent among men. Even her father, though secretly proud of his daughter, does not approve of her chosen profession.

Tradition of Gondoliers

Venice has traffic lights at all intersections to regulate traffic. But the gondoliers still do not trust them, and in places of traffic jams they prefer to shout loudly, warning of their arrival. This tradition has been preserved since ancient times.

gondola and gondolier
gondola and gondolier

Boats were always painted black. But to attract tourists, gondoliers began to break the usual traditions and decorate their water transport with neon lights, gold bedspreads and pillows. But authorities have threatened to revoke licenses from those who violate restraint and change the rules. Therefore, the old tradition has been preserved.

Gondoliers are well-known charming "macho". They also have their own songs (we have already mentioned them), which they perform, but modern and popular ones are not included in their folklore. Therefore, Venetian traditional melodies are preferred in the craft.

License and Legacy

The right to get membership in the Gondoliers Guild Club can only be inherited. And only to the son from the father. But it is quite difficult for an outsider to get there. If the gondolier dies, then his license is transferred only to the direct heir, and the latter can sell it in the future.

The cost is very high, but it is justified, since the salary of boaters is far from small. In just 30 minutes they earn 100 euros. And the working day is quite long and can last up to 15 hours.

Before a person receives a license, you must pass two exams: first the theoretical part, and then the practice. In general, there are even special courses lasting nine months. It is important here to be able to properly manage the gondola.

gondoliers who are they
gondoliers who are they

Working nuances

Gondoliers are people who must know the city and all the channels well, have oratorical skills and an excellent voice, as they have to sing a lot of songs. But some, such as the barcarolle, are performed by boaters only for an additional fee. The price is negotiable. It often happens that artists and singers with accompaniment are invited on board the gondola.

The uniform is special - a wide-brimmed straw hat with ribbons attached, a striped T-shirt, and a plain white shirt can be worn over it. The dress code is written in the rules, and it must be strictly observed.

Rowing technique

Due to the asymmetrical shape of the gondola, the rower can steer it with only one oar. At the same time, it is located on the side of the dividing line, which divides the boat in half. The gondolier controls the oar from the bow (it is also the steering wheel).

The technique is more pushing than rowing. The gondolier first swings the boat and moves the oar along a certain trajectory.

the meaning of the word gondoliers
the meaning of the word gondoliers


Gondoliers are professionals who hone their skills not only at work, but also in sports. Every first Sunday in September, Venice hosts the Historical Regatta. Initially, before the competition, a parade of gondolas is arranged, and after that rowers compete, showing their skills and art. The distance is seven kilometers. Moreover, there are competitions on an internal scale - they are held between certaindistricts and islands, or even Gondolier clan families.
