Poems and songs are composed about this tree, beautiful autumn bouquets are collected from its leaves. In nature, there are many types of this tree, one of them is the false maple. How it is characterized, what varieties it has, read in the article.
Why is sycamore maple called sycamore?
According to the legends of the ancient Slavs, a person has been turned or "sworn" into this tree. Therefore, they never heat the stove with maple, do not make coffins from it, considering it a great sin to put living people in the ground.

A man turned into a sycamore due to a mother cursing her naughty children. When the musicians pass by the maple, they cut it down and make a violin. Her sounds in the voices of children tell how their mother was guilty before them.
Serbs have a different belief. A dry maple will turn green if a person who is unjustly offended hugs him. And, on the contrary, a green maple will dry out if a deeply unhappy or offended person touches it.
White maple, or sycamore
This maple tree is common in Europe - the central part, in Asia - in the southwest. areagrowth captures France, Ukraine, northern Spain, Turkey, the Caucasus.
False sycamore maple (sycamore) is a deciduous tree. Its height reaches twenty to thirty-five meters. The wide crown has a domed shape. The bark of the trunk of the trees of the first years of life is smooth, with a gray tint. In mature trees, it is rough, its scales peel off. Layers of bark with a different color are clearly visible: pale brown and pinkish.
The leaves are large, the same in size, both in length and in width - from ten to twenty-five centimeters. They consist of five blades. Their edges are serrated. The color is dark green, purple, crimson, yellowish, depending on the season. Flowers of a yellow-green hue are collected in hanging brushes up to twenty centimeters long. There are many flowers in the inflorescence, from twenty to fifty pieces.
Seeds arranged in pairs have a spherical shape, in the form of a lionfish. Each seed is endowed with small wings, thanks to which it flies during the fall. The wind carries the seeds long distances.

False sycamore maple, the photo of which you see in the article, is a strong tree. But it is also prone to the appearance of spots of different colors on the leaves: black, gray, brown. These are pathogenic fungi. Maple leaves are a breeding ground for Lepidoptera.
What is it grown for and where is it used?
False sycamore maple is valued for its wood. The description of the variety of sycamore is given according to the characteristics of the wood. She is white, silky, with a shine, has a highwear resistance. White maple wood is used to produce furniture, accessories, musical instruments, floor rails, and parquet. Sometimes the wood has a fibrous texture, which greatly increases its value. It is used for facing works.
White maple is a good honey plant. Its flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen, raw materials for processing by bees, resulting in fragrant honey.
White maple in landscape design
This tree is resistant to high winds, air pollution and s alt. Therefore, it is popular for landscaping urban areas, roadsides, sea coasts. Maple is currently distributed north of its habitat in Scandinavia and the British Isles.

In North America, wild white maples can be found in New York, New England and along the Western Pacific coast. As a crop, trees are grown in many regions characterized by a temperate climate: for example, New Zealand, the Falkland Islands.
Atropurpureum Maple
This species of false sycamore maple is a deciduous, slow growing tree. Reaches twenty-five meters in height and twelve in diameter. The dense crown has an oval shape. The leaves are made up of five lobes. Their upper part is dark green and the lower part is dark purple. Young leaves are red-brown in color. The flowering period is the month of May. Yellow-green flowers are collected in brushes. The fruit is shaped like a wing and is called a lionfish.

Maple Atropurpureum likes a lot of light, but can also grow in shade. It does not tolerate excessively moist, dry and saline soils. Prefers fertile soil with good drainage. Due to its high decorative qualities, it is used for landscape design: creating hedges, arrays, groves. The tree is adapted to dust and gas pollution. It tolerates winters well, but in severe cold it needs shelter so as not to freeze.
Leopoldi Maple
This tree reaches a height of ten to fifteen meters. Its wide crown has a pyramidal shape with a diameter of eight meters. The leaves are large, deep green. On the surface, uneven spots are clearly visible in the form of sectors and blotches of white, cream or light green, which turn yellow in autumn. Flowering time is in April. The flowers are small, reddish in color. Lionfish are brown.
Grafted maples are more common, their height depends on the height of the bole. Leopoldi is decorative, especially in spring. Trees are planted singly and in groups. They create landscape compositions and alleys.

Planet maple Leopoldi loves a lot of light, but grows in the shade on any soil, except for excessively moist, dry and saline. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. It does not tolerate winters with great frosts, it can freeze. It will develop poorly and lose its decorative effect. Therefore, this view is moreall its best qualities, growing in areas with a warm climate.
One hundred and fifty species of maple grow in the natural environment, most of which, including false plane maple, are widely used in the design of territories. This tree is highly decorative at any time of the year. In spring, long flowering and bright coloring of young shoots pleases the eye, in summer - a lush crown, under the shade of which you can hide from the sun. In autumn, nature itself repaints the leaves in other colors. In winter, the bark of an unusual color attracts attention. Maple trees are planted singly and in groups, forming a hedge. The crown can be formed into any shape.
Furniture, sports equipment, musical instruments, yellow and black paint are made from maple wood. Maple is an excellent honey plant. Pollen collected from one tree, when processed by bees, gives ten kilograms of honey. Maple gives juice, which is used to make sugar syrup and sugar. The leaves are used for livestock feed and bedding.
Medical applications
For medicinal purposes, all parts of the tree are used: leaves and seeds, bark of branches, roots and juice. The leaves are first dried in the sun, and then in the shade. Seeds need to be collected only when ripe, and dried in an oven or oven. For storage, they are placed in cloth bags. Dried seeds and leaves should not be used after two years of storage. The bark is removed carefully, dried under the scorching rays of the sun or in the oven. The storage container is hermetically sealed.