Each of the mountain peaks of Altai is unique. They combine pristine beauty and mysterious power. Mountain Malaya Sinyukha has attracted not only travelers since ancient times. Those who have visited it are sure that the peak is sacred. Why is this happening? What secret does Sinyukha (mountain) keep? We'll talk about this later.

General information
The highest point of the Kolyvansky ridge in the Kuryinsky district is popularly called Sinyukha. What is the reason for such a name, it is not difficult to guess. At an altitude of 1210 meters, the air is already a little rarefied. Therefore, from a distance, a high hill covered with virgin forest acquires a slightly bluish tint.
Interest in the summit was shown repeatedly. And now it hosts people of various classes. First of all, these are naturalists and geologists. Near the mountain is the famous stone-cutting factory. Since the beginning of the 18th century, it has been known that the rock mined here is of particular value. They began to actively process it.
Mount Sinyukha (height - 1210 m) is located in the very south of the Altai Territory, which explains itsunusually rich flora. The fabulous relief never ceases to amaze. And those trees and flowers that are found on the slopes, you will not see anywhere else. Most of them are very rare. They are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Pilgrimage Land
But Sinyukha hides the biggest secret in her bowels. The mountain is a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of Orthodox believers. This is a kind of open-air temple, allowing not only to touch the heavens, but also to think about being, admiring the surroundings from a height.
In 1997, a sacred cross was erected on top. Here the rock protrudes in such a way that it forms an unusual granite bowl of regular rounded shape. The real Grail! And since the mountain is considered sacred, the water here has tremendous energy. Despite the fact that it feeds on melted snow, rainfall, being in a standing state, the liquid never deteriorates and does not go out. The granite bowl is large. But thanks to the crystal clear water, you can see its most hidden depths.

At the top of the cliff, under the influence of the wind, they acquired a completely unusual shape. From a distance it seems that these are real walls and columns. Some priests even retell the legend about the deity who lived in this dilapidated "house". Now the pilgrimage to the summit is carried out annually after the feast of the Holy Trinity. Everyone, together with the clergy, climbs the mountain to purify the soul, to drink from the holy spring. It is believed thatafter that, there will be no illness for a whole year, and the soul will feel light.
Sinyukha can boast of stunning flora: the mountain is simply amazing with its vegetation. We can say that she came to us from prehistoric times. Somewhere between the era of dinosaurs and the Ice Age, all the mountain ranges of Altai were covered with such forests as on the slope of Mount Sinyukha. These are unusual green areas. There are no usual larch and cedar here. But on the other hand, bird cherry, mountain ash, galangal and even the beauty viburnum sprout in abundance. It is surprising that it is in this part that plants from that ancient era have been preserved. Now they are considered relics and need special protection. These are Pallas' mertensia, Krylov's forget-me-not, maral root, rosea rhodiola, golostalny poppy.

Mount Sinyukha (Altai Territory) is attractive at any time of the year. The description of its slopes is found in the works of pioneers as early as the beginning of the 18th century. Now the routes are quite simple and not particularly difficult. You can get to the start of the hiking trail from the village of Kolyvan (8 km) or the village of 8 March (2 km). Then there are two options for the path - along the northwestern or northeastern slope. Mount Sinyukha (Altai) is located in the Kuryinsky district. How to get to the nearest villages? Arrive by bus or car. You can stop for the night in the bases "Kolyvan-tour" and "Bogomolets". Camping "Zagis" is located on the lake.
Northwest Route
The first way is considered more interesting. The route runs alongseveral attractions. The first is the Kolyvanstroy tract. Here, in the 18th century, the first factory specializing in copper smelting was located. It existed until the 60s of the last century, mining tungsten and molybdenum. Further along the path there is a beautiful lake Mokhovoe. Even higher is an abandoned granite quarry. Here, tourists are sure to stop, because from this place you can admire the black taiga growing on the slopes of the mountains. The first path is very colorful. First you need to go along an abandoned road, and then - make your way along a narrow forest path through majestic trees and a thick thicket.
Northeast Route
This route starts from Beloye Lake. The road leads directly into the virgin forest. Complexity can only be created by a long climb, waiting beyond the lake. But for those who are used to difficulties, this is not a problem. But here you can see several mounds. Their age dates back to the 3rd-1st century BC. These are archaeological sites of the first settlers who were engaged in the extraction and processing of metals in Altai. Even the first settlement of artisans was located here.
In the Middle Ages, a convent arose on the site of the settlement. It lasted the flesh until Soviet times. And at the beginning of the last century it was destroyed. Now there is a memorial sign in this place. Another important monument of sacred culture is a holy spring. It is located a little north of the monastery. This point is a must for pilgrims to visit.

Spirit Power
Local residents are sure that all natural forces are controlled by spirits living on a peak called Sinyukha. The mountain is capricious, like a woman. In one day, her mood changes several times. Sometimes it is sunny and clear, and after half an hour it is already gloomy and cold. By evening, the peak shines again, but a bad word or a look - and it is already raging, directing gusts of wind and thunderclouds towards the village.
Therefore, the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements are very superstitious. They are sure that before the start of the ascent, it is necessary to appease the mountain by turning to the spirits. If you have chosen this route for the weekend, remember that your success depends on the power of prayer. Light a fire, cook a delicious lunch and hot tea, sing a song about happiness. And then luck and good weather will become faithful and reliable companions.