Ecological disaster zone: description, features and interesting facts

Ecological disaster zone: description, features and interesting facts
Ecological disaster zone: description, features and interesting facts

Environmental problems in the modern world are gradually coming to the fore, because the speed of their solution and the set of measures taken directly affects the lives of many people on the planet. According to preliminary estimates, more than ten million people already live in places that can be recognized as zones of ecological disaster. In these areas, people regularly face a lack of clean drinking water, polluted air and poisoned soil, on which little can grow. In areas of extreme environmental disasters, the population suffers from an increased risk of cancer, respiratory problems. The percentage of premature death here just rolls over. Life expectancy in such areas is often reduced to the level of the Middle Ages. All these facts make scientists from all overthe world to sound the alarm, but it is not so easy to correct the ecological situation on the planet. First of all, this is hindered by some uncertainty in the legal regime of the zones of ecological disaster. This is especially true for Russia, where there are many blank spots in the legislation on this matter. In our article, we will consider this issue in detail.

ecological disaster zone
ecological disaster zone

Concept of ecological disaster zone

All environmental issues in our country are regulated at the legislative level. The concept of an ecological disaster zone and a zone of emergency situations has long been firmly established in everyday life, but ordinary citizens often confuse them with each other. In fact, they have many similarities, but differ markedly in key points.

In this section, we will give readers the definition of an ecological disaster zone. According to the legislation, this wording is commonly understood as territories located in the Russian Federation, which, as a result of any activity, have undergone serious and irreversible changes in the environment. This affected the he alth of the population, disturbed the ecological balance, and also led to the destruction of the ecosystem of the region. In turn, such criminal activity has become the root cause of the extinction or degradation of some species of flora and fauna.

It is possible to declare any territory as a zone of ecological disaster in Russia only after a thorough study. For this, a special commission is being created, which includes persons appointed by the federal authorities responsible for environmental activities.

Even in cases where the damage to nature is significant, the territory is not always declared a disaster zone. Indeed, in this case, numerous restrictions on the use of these lands come into force, which we will talk about a little later.

zones of ecological disaster and zones of emergency situations
zones of ecological disaster and zones of emergency situations

Classification of environmental conditions

Specialists involved in the protection and study of the environment divide the ecological situation in the regions into several categories. We will list them, starting with the most successful:

  • relatively satisfactory;
  • tense;
  • critical;
  • crisis;
  • catastrophic.

The established crisis category in official documents may serve as a reason for declaring the territory a zone of environmental emergency. In turn, the assessment of the ecological situation as catastrophic is the first reason to introduce the status of an ecological disaster zone.

territories of zones of emergency ecological situations of ecological disaster
territories of zones of emergency ecological situations of ecological disaster

Criteria for assessing the environmental situation

Commissions working in the regions, assessing the state of the environment, usually focus on four main indicators:

  • air;
  • water;
  • food;
  • ionizing radiation.

By conducting tests and measurements, experts can determine how serious and irreversible the consequences were caused by human activitiesecosystem.

Procedure for introducing environmental disaster status

Not every area with serious problems with the ecosystem can be declared a zone of ecological disaster. The criteria for making this decision seem fairly simple:

  • A real threat to people's he alth. In cases where the level of morbidity and mortality among the local population increases significantly in certain regions, this becomes a good reason to declare an emergency.
  • Disturbances in the ecosystem.
  • A sharp deterioration in the conditions of any human activity in certain areas.

Unfortunately, these criteria are suitable for many regions and places in Russia. However, the law also contains a number of reservations. The process of initiating the introduction of ecological disaster status is possible only when the situation cannot be corrected by measures taken at the local level.

Most often, the assessment of the ecological state of the territory is carried out in accordance with more advanced criteria than those that we have given in this section. They are developed by authorized authorities and used during the work of the commission.

environmental disaster zone regime
environmental disaster zone regime

Who decides on environmental disaster status?

Declaring a territory a zone of ecological emergency and ecological disaster is possible only based on the results of the work of a special commission. We have already mentioned this. However, a fairly wide range of subjects can initiate this process.

These include self-government bodies, state authorities, local services responsible for environmental protection. Citizens also have the right to participate in this process. It is noteworthy that ordinary citizens, public organizations, and political parties have equal rights.

All of the above entities can be directly involved in the work of commissions for assessing the ecological state. They have the opportunity to initiate the process itself, request the necessary documents from any government agencies, and assist in the restoration of certain objects.

Definition of boundaries

It is natural that a difficult ecological situation develops in certain territories, whose boundaries are sometimes quite difficult to determine. Therefore, in order to determine the boundaries, special work is being done.

Most often, administrative territorial units are viewed for this. After that, the ecological disaster zone is established within the smaller territorial unit. In cases where the ecosystem is disturbed in different regions, then the outer boundary is considered. It is on it that the zone of ecological disaster is established.

legal regime of ecological disaster zones
legal regime of ecological disaster zones

Regimen of nature management

The regime of the zone of ecological disaster involves the introduction of certain norms of nature management. We list them in the following list items:

  • Prohibition on any activity that worsens the ecological situation. The only activity permitted in such areas ismay be related to the livelihoods of the local population.
  • The construction of facilities that should reduce environmental pollution and meet the social needs of the population is welcome.
  • In cases where certain state facilities are privatized, the owners must fully comply with the obligations imposed by the state, contributing to the stabilization of the environmental situation.
  • Environmental risk insurance.

The last point needs some explanation, as it may not always be clear to readers what is meant by this action. In ecological disaster zones that have this status officially, the state obliges the organization to insure environmental risks that theoretically can have a negative impact on the environment.

ecological disaster zones in russia
ecological disaster zones in russia

Measures to remove the territory from the status of an ecological disaster

The Government of the Russian Federation decides on the status of certain territories approximately one month after receiving the relevant documents. During the same period, measures are being developed that should change the environmental situation for the better within the specified time frame.

The set of measures includes, first of all, providing the population with drinking water. The level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and wastewater is also monitored at the state level.

Serious measures are being taken to improve the he alth of local residents who have fallen into the zonerisk. They should be provided with quality products, vitamins, dietary supplements and medicines. In parallel, wellness activities for children are organized.

In places recognized as ecological disaster zones, medical care is organized in a special way. The population undergoes regular medical examinations, and many drugs are provided absolutely free of charge.

Social policy is another point in the package of measures, so residents in ecological disaster zones are provided with housing, work and other benefits provided by law without any problems.

Removal of the special status assigned to the territories

The process of removing the established status, as well as its introduction, takes a certain amount of time. Any authorities can start the process, but only the government of the Russian Federation makes a decision. Recall that it is it that has the sole right to make decisions of this level.

zones of extreme environmental disasters
zones of extreme environmental disasters


Ecological issues should concern every person without exception. And in Russia, unfortunately, there are enough places that claim the status of an ecological disaster zone. According to the results of some studies, three Russian settlements are included in the list of the ten dirtiest places on the planet. Experts attributed Dzerzhinsk, Norilsk and Dalnegorsk to them. In these cities, the situation has already reached a critical level of danger and requires serious intervention from the authorities.

We hope that our article will be an occasion for some readersbecome interested in the environmental situation in your region and start fighting for its improvement. After all, what planet our children and grandchildren will live on directly depends on our today's actions.
