Director's Day is usually celebrated on October 16th. In our country, such an unusual holiday is celebrated recently, so not everyone knows about the Director's Day. Despite his "youth", he is celebrated in many offices, presenting unusual gifts to his supervisor.

Who invented the holiday
Commercial Director's Day has an interesting history. In 1958, Patricia Harosky, who works as a secretary in a reputable American company, suggested that her colleagues make a holiday for her boss so that her subordinates had the opportunity to present him with a gift. Since the unusual idea came to her on October 16, this day was officially named Director's Day. The American society reacted with interest to such an innovation and supported the initiative. Since 1962, Director's Day has been an official holiday in Illinois.
There are bosses and directors all over the world who love to receive gifts and congratulations, so in a short period of time the holiday has become an international event.

Why congratulatemanager
This day can be an excellent occasion to appease your boss, count on promotion, improve working conditions. On Commercial Director's Day, you can show your manager appreciation and respect.
In a congratulatory speech, subordinates note the responsibility that lies on the shoulders of the boss, for the lack of days of rest, lunch breaks in his life.
Work as a director
The leader is always in a stressful state, forced to solve many small problems, to look for a way out of difficult situations. In order to prove your gratitude, you can congratulate your boss on the holiday at least once a year. An insignificant gift, warm words of gratitude, respect will be a pleasant surprise for the leader.
The headmaster's day is no different in its tension from the work schedule of the head of a large company. In an educational institution, there are a lot of problems that the head of the school must deal with quickly and efficiently. Therefore, October 16 can rightfully be considered a professional holiday for all directors of Russian educational institutions.
Do not forget that the idea of creating this holiday served as an occasion to demonstrate to your manager appreciation for the fair and decent treatment of all employees.

In addition to the general holiday of the boss, which is celebrated all over the world on October 16, every leader hassuch an occasion for accepting gifts and pleasant congratulations as a birthday. This day should be known and honored by all employees of the organization.
How to congratulate him on his birthday? The director can prepare a concert, purchase a useful gift, and also order congratulations on radio or television. Do not forget that, first of all, your manager will appreciate the attention that you gave him.
Gift Ideas
Don't know how beautiful to wish happy birthday? The director will definitely like a handmade souvenir. For example, you can order a calendar from a printing house with images of all employees, insert photos from corporate parties into it. In addition to the calendar, a mug with wishes would be a good option for a gift to the leader. For the boss involved in the construction business, you can pick up a souvenir saw, hammer. The head of the school can be presented as a gift with a set of ballpoint pens.

Reply speech of the head of the school
Among those important holidays with which it is customary to congratulate school principals, a special place belongs to Teacher's Day. Of course, on such a day one cannot leave without due attention not only teachers, but also their immediate supervisor. The director's speech at Teacher's Day should include only the most positive points. It is important for each individual teacher to find suitable kind words in it, to pick up wishes. A wise boss will never allow himself to utter hurtful words about subordinates in front ofcolleagues, so the director's speech at Teacher's Day is filled with beautiful phrases about the importance and significance of the profession.
In addition to the leader, teachers of the educational institution can also speak in response.

In the modern world, there are a lot of different holidays. Each of them is characterized by some specific traditions and customs, and involves some special rituals. In this diversity, the Leader's Day has a special place. Commercial directors, heads of private and public companies on this day receive sincere words of gratitude for their wisdom and justice from their subordinates.
In today's world, a real commercial director, who has a fair approach to each employee, is a rarity. Even in educational schools, the director's duties now include not only the management of the educational process, but also the ability to conduct their own economic activities. Due to the complexity and extreme nature of the work of the head of any organization and company, subordinates must take care of their bosses, take care of them at least on October 16.
A real competent leader will definitely appreciate the efforts of his employees, see the sincerity of their congratulations, take this into account when assigning quarterly and annual bonuses, and offer promotions.