Spills of numerous rivers and reservoirs in Russia are a dangerous, but far from rare natural phenomenon. Knowing what to do in the event of a flood is vital for many of our citizens. Unfortunately, someone approaches this issue carelessly, others simply do not know what manipulations and in what sequence should be taken. Such negligence and lack of education can result in financial losses, he alth problems and a threat to human life.
Causes of natural disaster
Before defining flood action, it is necessary to talk in more detail about the nature of such a phenomenon. There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence, among them:
- Natural factor (heavy rainfall, sharp temperature changes and snowmelt, strong winds driving water from the bays of the seas).
- Human factor (dam failure, water release, etc.).
Floodingcan be predicted in advance, the hydrometeorological centers are engaged in the collection and analysis of information, they usually provide accurate information a maximum of 72 hours before a natural disaster, however, preliminary forecasts can be made in advance.

Flood classifications
Flooding response is largely determined by the magnitude of the disaster. So, experts most often use the following classification:
- Low level. It is observed quite often, at least once every 10 years, it happens on the plains of the rivers.
- High level. Occurs every 20 years, is characterized by significant flooding of the flat area, can harm the activities and he alth of people, lead to the need to evacuate the population.
- Outstanding level. Such floods occur no more than once every 50 years, and may be less often. Characterized by the need for mass evacuation, flooding of cities, villages, settlements, agricultural land.
- Disastrous. Celebrated every 100 or 200 years. They are distinguished by significant flooding, the introduction of an emergency regime at the state level.

Gathering things before evacuation
What should be done in the event of a threat and during a flood regarding the collection of essential items? When preparing for a planned evacuation, you should be guided by the principles of reasonableness and collect with you only the most necessary items for life,the remaining belongings are carefully packed and sent to places where water is supposed to be unable to reach them. Essential items include:
- Food (up to 72 hours).
- Money and the most important values.
- Warm and practical clothes, comfortable shoes.
- Bed linen, a warm blanket, a minimum of toiletries to maintain hygiene.
- Passport and documents.
- First aid kit (specific and general medicines).
All items must be securely packed and kept close to the person. Remember: the actions of the population during a flood must be clear and consistent. Only in this case you will be able not to forget everything you need to survive the blows of the elements.

Preparing the home
What should be the actions of the population in case of a threat of flooding regarding the strengthening of their own homes? Preparation for a meeting with the elements should be thorough:
- When living on lower floors, reinforce windows with boards and plywood, other strong materials that can hold back water pressure.
- Pack your valuables in waterproof packaging, stow them as high as you can in your home (shelves in attics are best).
- Place farm implements and any things that pose a potential danger in a secluded and hard-to-reach place.
- Pack in advance the essentials you plan to use when you leave.
- Make an evacuation plan from the premises and strengthen its routes.
- Turn off electricity, turn off gas, water, put out stoves.

Emergency rules
Flash flooding should be no different from the standard rules, however, in such a situation, as a rule, there is no time to follow a significant list of recommendations. Quite often it happens that an insidious element takes people by surprise, leaving no chance for salvation. In such cases, you should still try not to panic and think rationally. The shortest list of saving actions in such a case would include the following items:
- Turn off the main communications in the house or apartment (gas, water, electricity).
- Collect money, medicines, documents, pack them in waterproof bags, take them with you when evacuating.
- If possible, collect food, drinking water, warm clothes and place them on the upper floors of an apartment building or in the attic of a private one.
- Go to the evacuation point, if this is not possible, climb to the highest point and wait for help.
- Don't be passive, signal your whereabouts to rescuers. To do this, you need to use light rockets or flashlights in the dark, or hang bright fabrics (clothes) in the light.
- While in the water, calculate your strength, get rid of heavy shoes and clothes, try to find items thatafloat and hold on to them, stay calm, panic takes away much-needed physical strength.
- Follow the advice of the rescuers, do not create difficult situations in their work, this endangers the lives of all rescued.
- Self-evacuation in case of already existing flooding should be carried out only in exceptional cases, that is, in case of a threat to life and he alth of people, the absence of food and clean water for a long time.

Help for drowning people
All actions during a flood should be aimed at preserving human life and he alth. If you see that someone is drowning, soberly assess your strength and try to help without putting yourself and other people in danger. You can help by doing the following:
- Encourage the person.
- Give a sinking object that he can cling to and stay on the water.
- Call for more help.
If you feel the strength to pull the victim out yourself, swim up behind him and tow him to the nearest safe point. Remember, a drowning person often fails to adequately assess their behavior.
How to navigate the flow of water
The actions of the population during the flood must be measured and calm. If you're already in a stream of water, an extra shutter speed won't hurt. Remember, even with shallow flooding, a fast current can knock you off your feet. Before immersing in water, it is better to remove excess clothing,get rid of everything heavy and pulling to the bottom. Look for ballast to grab on to stay afloat. You should not neglect such a recommendation, even the best trained swimmer can run out of strength in the water, especially in dirty and cold water.

The main task is to cling to some protected place. It is quite dangerous in water, forces quickly leave a person, he begins to freeze, panic, can hit hard objects carried away by water, get mechanical injuries.
Rules of conduct after water breaks
It is extremely important to know and remember not only the order of actions during a flood, but the rules of behavior after it is over. So, experts recommend to the population:
- Control the receipt of new instructions from the authorities and rescuers coming by radio or other means of communication.
- Before entering the residential premises, carefully look around, make sure that there are no overhanging electrical wires, the integrity of the building structure, and that there is no significant damage to the roof and walls.
- Once in an apartment or house, do not rush to connect communications, get them checked by specialists, and only then use electricity and other benefits.
- If you need a source of light in the room, refrain from using lighters, matches and other devices with an open flame, it is likely that gas may accumulate in a closed room, use ordinary flashlights.
- To the maximumin a short time, try to dry the apartment and ensure its full ventilation.
- Before using dishes, any other household items, they should be thoroughly disinfected, similar measures are applied to almost every thing in the house.

Instead of completion
Once again, we will formulate priority actions in case of a flood threat. Without fail, they must be reduced to the following postulates:
- Do not panic, follow the approved rules of action and the prompts of rescuers.
- It is forbidden to drink unboiled water in a flooded area, to eat food that has not been cooked.
- Before leaving the house, be sure to collect essential items (these are basic documents, some cash, basic medicines, a minimum of food and clean water), do not take heavy and unnecessary items, try to securely cover them in a place that is difficult to reach for water.
- In an emergency, when water rises and there is no way to evacuate, pick up and occupy the highest, fortified point (a solid tree, the roof of a house), do not forget to regularly signal for rescuers.