Great lakes of the world: TOP 10

Great lakes of the world: TOP 10
Great lakes of the world: TOP 10

In our view, the lake is a small, beautiful, picturesque place for recreation, swimming, fishing. For those who are accustomed to ordinary small bodies of water, it is difficult to imagine that it can be so huge that the horizon is not visible! The great lakes of the world are worthy of admiration! What are they and where are they located?

Tenth place

In tenth place is a huge lake called Nyasa. It is located simultaneously in several African countries: Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. It occupies a large area - 31.1 thousand sq. km. Its maximum depth is 706 meters! In this place, in the northern part of Nyasa, the bottom is much lower than sea level. Beautiful nature, steep rocky shores and clear water are admirable. Part of the lake is located in a rocky wide depression. The lake is rich in fish (240 species), crocodiles, hippos, and water birds have found shelter here. Scientists call Nyasa the birthplace of colorful aquarium fish. But the lake is not so calm: strong storms and surf often make navigation difficult.

great Lakes
great Lakes

Ninth place

Long known for their beautygreat lakes of Canada! The Great Bear Lake is the largest in this country and the fourth largest in all of North America. It is located on the Arctic Circle, at a level of 185 meters above sea level. There are practically no settlements here. The only place where people live is the southwestern part of the lake called Deline.

Eighth place

Baikal is a lake that is known for its beauty. It is not only the largest in the Great Lakes of the World category, but also the deepest! This small sea is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. It is the largest reservoir of fresh water. The unique flora and fauna amazes everyone who had the honor to visit here. In the cold season, the lake freezes completely and only in summer is navigation carried out here. The shape of Baikal resembles a crescent moon. Its width ranges from 23 to 81 km.

Seventh place

The world's great lakes are admirable. And in seventh place is Lake Olkhon. It occupies a huge area of 31,692 sq. km. For comparison, this is the approximate area of countries such as Denmark, Belgium or the Netherlands. Mountain ranges surround the lake on all sides. The nature here is simply magical!

Sixth place

In central Africa there is a beautiful huge lake Tanganyika. It is not only one of the largest, but also one of the oldest. At the same time, the lake is located in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia. Lake Tanganyika, about 649 km long and about 45-81 km wide, is located at an altitude of 774 meters above sea level in the zonetectonic faults. Hippos, crocodiles and birds are found here. Developed shipping and fishing. The water temperature varies depending on the climate and depth (25-30 degrees). Since there is no current, the temperature in the lower layers of the lake barely reaches 6 degrees!

Fifth place

The Great Lakes are a real miracle of nature. One of these wonders is the Aral Sea, which occupies the fifth position. Since the end of the twentieth century, the water level here has been constantly decreasing, but it is still considered one of the largest lakes in the world! Unfortunately, due to the fact that bacteriological weapons were tested here, the lake became abandoned. In addition, the wind brings various pesticides and chemicals here from the fields. Unfortunately, it is already impossible to save the Aral Sea…

great lakes of canada
great lakes of canada

Fourth place

Lake Michigan is one of the largest lakes in the world. It is located entirely in the United States and is connected to several rivers. Its area is about 57,753 km2, Lake Michigan is 500 km long and 191 km wide. Just imagine its size! On its banks are cities such as Chicago, Michigan, Evanston, Milwaukee, Gary, Green Bay and Hammond.

Third place

Lake Huron is located in the USA and Canada and is famous for its beauty, fauna and flora. Most often, hydrologists group Lakes Michigan and Huron together, but this is a moot point. Its area is 60 thousand square kilometers.

Second place

In second place is Lake Superior - the coldest, largest and deepest of alllakes of the world. The origin of the lake is glacial. There are rocky shores, insanely beautiful flora and fauna - a lot of fish and animals, various plants.

great lakes of the world
great lakes of the world

First Place

First place in the category "Great Lakes of the World" - the Caspian Sea. Despite the fact that it is most often called the sea, in fact it is only a huge lake. The length of the coastline is 6,700 kilometers, and if we take into account the islands - 7,000 km. The largest lake in the world - Caspian - a real sea in the middle of the continent!
