A cool nickname is something that not every person has. Sometimes we may not remember the name and surname of a person, but a bright and cool nickname will sometimes remain with him for life. Why are some people assigned certain nicknames? What are the most curious and funny nicknames exist and what can they say about a person?
The most curious celebrity nicknames
Nicknames are given to everyone - from a janitor to a Hollywood movie star. Often this is due to some feature in appearance or behavior that catches the eye. For example, even such a sexy performer as Dmitry Nagiyev was given the nickname "fat barrel" at school due to the fact that the future actor gained weight. This forced him to work on himself, and by the next summer the boy lost weight and pulled himself up. Cameron Diaz, the recognized beauty, was nicknamed "skeleton" in school and even wore loose clothes to appear fatter.

Nicole Kidman was teased as a stork because of her height, Julia Roberts was called "hot shorts" after the movie "Pretty Woman", but the coolest nickname is David Beckham -wife Victoria calls her husband golden balls, which means "golden balls". There is also an alternative translation, which you probably already guessed…

How common are nicknames?
There are a lot of stories on the Internet about the emergence of various cool nicknames. Sometimes they are not that cool, but they are remembered for sure! For example, the son of the director of the dining room had the nickname "fourth", and the dining room itself was called "Three Little Pigs". "Shotgun" is the name given to a guy who sneezed once while eating. Sometimes the origin of a nickname is difficult to guess. One guy, a frequenter of showdowns and a fierce thug, had the nickname "Piglet". A natural question arises - why? It turns out that the guy had a gun at home.
In the army, for example, everyone has nicknames. For example, a guy who can play the guitar can be called "Mozart", a big man - "Valuev", a small Tatar - "Dzhekichan" and the like. Nicknames are often clichés. If the nickname was not a "consequence" of the stereotype about a person, then, most likely, the first impression of a person will be formed precisely thanks to her. It often happens that a nickname is a derivative of a surname, name or patronymic. For example, in some firms where it is customary to observe subordination, "Sanychi", "Petrovichi", "Yurichi" and various other interesting characters appear.

Offensive nicknames
ActuallyIn fact, there is nothing surprising or offensive in cool nicknames (and not very cool ones either). Some reputable businessmen at the reunions are happy to respond to "Siskin", "Grey" and similar reminders of barefoot childhood.
Another thing is if the nickname is offensive, stuck by accident and makes a person withdraw into himself. Children are said to be especially cruel in this regard. It’s not that they come up with some offensive nicknames from evil, it’s just funny and fun for a child, coming up with an offensive “klikuha”, he doesn’t think that this can be a trauma for life. But the consequences can be terrible, often the "owner" of an offensive nickname can close in on himself.
The best advice a parent can give in this situation is to ignore it. Call names - do not respond, this does not apply to you. They will provoke as long as there is a reaction. If it is not there, then the offenders will quickly get tired of performing futile actions, they will calm down and everything will be fine.

Cool nicknames for girls
The fair sex is that part of the population that deserves exceptionally careful treatment. That is why the nicknames of girls are often affectionate, emphasizing the reverent attitude towards them of the strong half of the world. But there are such cool and daring nicknames for girls that emphasize the character, features of a young lady. Most often, girls are called "bunny", "cat", "sun", "baby", "kitty", "doll","fox". Derivatives from surnames are less common, for example, Makarova - "Makar", Novak - "Novachka", Beznyuk - "Beznyuchka", Gavrilenko - "Gavryusha", etc.
There are also funny ones, for example "Dumpling", "Havre", "Malaya". As practice shows, they try not to reward girls with offensive and caustic nicknames (with rare exceptions). There are also funny nicknames - "Hamster", "Bird", "Animal", etc. Sometimes girls themselves come up with nicknames for themselves. This is mainly done by singers, actresses, TV show stars. For example, the former participant of the project "House 2" Olga Nikolaeva was remembered by the audience under the pseudonym "Sun", and the singer Natalya Ionova became popular as "Glucose".

Cool nicknames for guys
As it was written above, guys sometimes have to wear really funny nicknames. Among the most common are such as "Gray", "Harry", "Fat", "Long", "Banana", "Greyhound" and the like. Often, a male nickname is short, capacious and characterizes its owner as much as possible (not always, of course). It is formed from the name, surname, features of appearance or cases from the life of the owner.
But there are times when you need a really cool nickname. For example, you decide to register on the site or create a mailbox. School "drive" is unlikely to fit. Often in such cases they usetranslated into a foreign language the names of animals, birds, for example Tiger, Lion, Eagle. They sound quite euphonious and are great as a nickname or email address.

How to make an offensive nickname come off?
In childhood, we are often tormented by the question - why is that fat boy from the parallel class not called names (and even a cool nickname was given to him!), but I am constantly teased? The answer is simple - that boy from the parallel, most likely, behaved in such a way that no one even had the thought of calling him names. What to do if you absolutely do not like your nickname, and others take pleasure in provoking you?
First of all, don't take everything too personally - this is not a global tragedy. If your friends tease you, talk to them, explain that you are uncomfortable with such treatment. If a friend did not react in any way - set an ultimatum - either you stop calling me names, or our communication with you stops. If you are teased in your environment, then the best advice is to change it. If it is not possible to change the environment, then just stop giving any reaction to provocations - its absence will soon nullify all offensive statements addressed to you.