The most developed countries in the world are determined annually. The ranking of these countries depends on the criteria used for the analysis. For example, development can be economic, and this is not equivalent to the we alth of the country as such. Or technological, which involves comparing achievements in the field of science and production. In addition, there is the concept of the human development index. It includes a number of factors. These are the level of literacy of the population, life expectancy, education and a general indicator of the standard of living. The most developed countries in the world according to the Human Development Index (HDI) should have high performance in all these areas. The data is collected, analyzed, classified and presented in the UN Human Development Report.
The seven most developed countries in the world are headed by Norway. This is a very beautiful country with a predominantly mountainous landscape. The coast is cut by deep picturesque fjords. The main part of the income in the country's economy comes from the sale of petroleum products. Shipbuilding, engineering and marine fishing are also well developed.

Population of the countrysmall - less than 5 million people. For comparison, this is about a quarter of the population living in Moscow. The climate is very changeable. It is perfectly characterized by the local saying “Don’t like the weather? Wait 15 minutes.”
Statistics show that the most developed countries in the world have low levels of corruption and crime. And the Norwegians are no exception in this regard. They highly respect the law. Crime is practically absent, even theft is unthinkable. Right on the road near the farm, they often set up a table with products - vegetables and fruits. There is also a price tag, scales, bags and a jar for money. And no one around. This is the kind of self-service. Houses are not locked during the day. The only exceptions are big cities.
There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in Norway, but it is not customary to pick them. The Norwegians just don't know how to do it. Therefore, in a harvest year, you can easily pick up a 100-liter bag of porcini mushrooms in a couple of hours.
Australia continues the list of the most developed countries in the world. This country is also not densely populated. However, 88% of the inhabitants live in cities. The isolation of the continent contributed to the development of unique representatives of flora and fauna. In addition, the country is rich in natural resources; pearls, opal and unique pink diamonds are mined here. The mild climate and fertile soil allow for the successful development of agriculture. Sheep breeding, cultivation of wheat and sugar cane are very popular. Australian wines are also highly regarded.

Australia oftenassociated with kangaroos and deserts, but the Australian Alps have more snow than Switzerland. The "dog fence" built to keep out wild dogs is longer than the Great Wall of China. And in 2001, the Australian football team defeated American Samoa with an unprecedented score of 31:0.
Switzerland ranks third in the HDI ranking. This country is located in the center of Europe. Despite its relatively small area, Switzerland is generously endowed with magnificent landscapes, mountains and lakes. Here the state maintains high employment of the population, which often distinguishes the most economically developed countries in the world. The sphere of tourism, mechanical engineering, production of computer equipment, metalworking and watch production are developed. In addition, Switzerland is one of the world's recognized financial centers.
The government's approach to the fight against drug addiction is interesting. Drug addicts are provided with a place to sleep, a portion of food and a dose of the drug. Experts have calculated that it is much cheaper and more effective than the consequences of crimes that would be committed on the basis of drug addiction.
Denmark is included in the list of "The most economically developed countries in the world" under the fourth number. This is a small country in which the service sector is the most developed in the labor market. Agriculture is also developed. The number of pigs exceeds the population of the entire country by five times.

Bicycle is the most popular mode of transport here. Not the last role in this was played by the fact that many Danes do not have a personal car, since the tax on it is extremely high.
The Faroe Islands, which are now Danish territory, once belonged to Norway. They were annexed to Denmark in an unusual way - the Norwegian king lost them to the king of Denmark in cards.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of mainland and insular parts. Agriculture is developed in the country. Farmers here produce 2.5 times more products than farmers on similar land areas in neighboring countries of the European Union. Here is the largest port in Europe, and the Netherlands ranks first in the world in terms of water transport logistics.

Telecommunication systems, equipment and first-class technologies are actively developed and produced. From here, tens of billions of euros worth of medical equipment is exported annually to the most economically developed countries of the world.
Many of the world's most developed countries boast vast territories and low population density. Germany is the complete opposite in this respect. It is by far the most populous country in the European Union.

Germans are very industrious. The working week lasts 6 days. And the punctuality and accuracy of this people have long been legendary. Germany is a recognized world leader in a number oftechnological and industrial sectors. All over the world, German cars are valued, which are actively exported from the country. A lot of scientific discoveries were made by German scientists. Their contribution is evidenced by the astonishing number of Nobel laureates from this country.
Back in the 1990s, Ireland was one of the poorest countries in Europe. And today it confidently overtakes the most developed countries of the world in terms of economic growth. This historically agrarian country has retrained and directed funds and forces to the development of pharmaceuticals and the production of high-tech components. Intel microchips are made here, and the headquarters of Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google and Linkedin are located here. Apple products are also made here.

The nature of Ireland is harsh and beautiful. Labyrinths of caves and mountains, sheer cliffs and mysterious forests, picturesque sea coast and limestone cliffs - all this is in Ireland. Ornithologists can watch auks, fulmars and puffins, fans of marine life have the opportunity to see humpback whales, dolphins and seals. Three geoparks keep treasures in the form of incredible landscapes. And for lovers of antiquity, the remnants of medieval towerhouses, built to strengthen the power of English peers, are scattered throughout the country.