The most picturesque area of the country. The unique beauty of nature. The largest industrial region, the backbone of the state. Here the greatest victory in the terrible war was forged. The power and pride of Russia. professionally trained population. Ural values it.
Inhabitants of the region
The population of the Ural industrial region is over twenty million people, less than in the Central zone of the country. The vast majority live in one hundred and forty cities. Settlements resemble two lines stretching south. The formation of settlements in these places took place in a peculiar way. Not like in other parts of the country. The objects were built in the 18th century. So in the Urals there were city-factories. Migration of residents occurs for the following reasons: climate, ecology, underdeveloped economy, problems with employment. There is a gradual outflow of young people. They leave this region because of the harsh climate, poor public infrastructure, inability to find a job.
This region has a diverse population. The Urals are a mixture of nationalities living in harmony. The peoples included in the ethnic composition are not numerous. Dominant -Russians - 82%, second Tatars - 5, 14%. There will be fewer people and more. Reasons: negative growth and outflow to other regions. There is a process of steady aging.
Composition of the industrial area
The Ural industrial region includes Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Perm Territory and four regions: Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk. The formation of the people of the Urals was affected by the geographical location and the impact of cultures and civilizations.
The first people appeared in the ice age from the east and south. The abundance of rivers and forests, the diversity of natural resources stopped the settlers, and people settled here. There were many such waves. Due to the multiplicity of nationalities in the Urals, many religions coexist. The vast majority gravitates towards Christianity, in the south - towards Islam. The North professes a pagan cult. The population density of the Urals, apparently, does not affect religious affiliation.

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. There is a developed industry and agricultural sector. High-tech enterprises produce products. The main industry is mechanical engineering. Hundreds of factories are involved in the instrumentation branch alone, a sixth of Russian metalworking machines are created here. The republic is known for oil refining and chemistry.
If we talk about the density of the population of the Urals, the Chelyabinsk region is the leader in this indicator and, conversely, the Kurgan region is inferior. The inhabitants of the stone jungle prevail - 74.8%. These are the consequences of the rapid industrialization of the territory. Trained workforce is the main value.

Distant urban planners had no idea that the planning of factory cities in the future would turn into an environmental disaster. This became clear at the end of the 20th century. Harmful enterprises of metallurgy and chemistry operate in the central part of the settlements. Residential neighborhoods were built back to back. Most of the points are located in intermountain basins, which makes it difficult to remove harmful emissions with the help of air currents. The concentration of polluting components has been exceeded dozens of times - this is also the Urals. The population and cities bear a mournful burden for the disturbed ecology.
The basis of the region is heavy industry, mechanical engineering and petrochemistry. The abundance of forests gave impetus to the development of timber harvesting and processing. Southern outskirts - suppliers of grain.
The Ural industrial region is located near the eastern bins of the country, where there are inexhaustible reserves of raw materials and energy of Siberia, stimulating further prosperity. Cities are equipped with a developed transport network, capable of handling cargo flows.

Udmurtia, with a population of one and a half million people, is part of an industrial region. Russians - 62%, then natives - 28%, and the rest of the population. Ural is a harsh territory.
Komi-Permyaks - 150 thousand representatives. Indigenous people make up 60%.
Bashkirs - belong to the Turkic group, the predominant religion is Islam. The number of aborigines is 2 million, the majority in their own republic. There are 4 million inhabitants in Bashkiria, of which:Russians - 39%, indigenous - 22%, Tatars - 28%, other nationalities - Chuvash and Mari - are few in number. Therefore, the republic is considered multinational. The population of the Southern Urals is accommodating and tolerant.
Cities of the region
Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia, the birthplace of the famous gunsmith Kalashnikov. The settlement was created on the site of iron mines in the 18th century. Later, an arms factory was built, which became the basis of the defense industry. Yekaterinburg, the capital of the Urals, is the fourth largest center of strong Russia with a population of 1.5 million. Industrial giant, railway junction. City transport is diverse, including the subway. There is an international airport.

Chelyabinsk is the industrial and cultural center of the Chelyabinsk region with a population of over a million people. During the war years, it was the "tank capital", produced products for the front, was the concentration of evacuated factories, the population worked. Ural plowed for wear.
Ufa - the heart of Bashkortostan, originates from the time of Ivan the Terrible. The economic potential in the chemical, metallurgical and oil refining areas has not been exhausted.
The riches of the Urals are inexhaustible, given that the storerooms of underground minerals have been developed for five centuries, and the reserves will not run out soon.