As you know, a person's name is not only his business card, but also a kind of identification mark, a magical set of letters that reflects the character and destiny of a person. A correctly chosen name can energize its owner, bring harmony and balance to his life, so it is so important for parents to take the choice seriously. Currently, you can easily find the interpretation of any of the exotic names and choose the most suitable for your baby. Fortunately, the number of beautiful and harmonious names is incredibly large in almost all cultures and nationalities. The Tatars were no exception. The most popular and popular Tatar names will be discussed below.
Origin of Tatar names

The difference between the Tatar names and the names of other names of the Turkic peoples is that they are collective. ATpast centuries, Tatar names consisted of Turkic, Arabic and Persian words. Later, Iranian and other Eurasian names were added to them. Over time, transforming and changing, many names began to be collective, carrying a piece of several cultures and nationalities.
It is not uncommon to borrow popular European names with their subsequent modernization. You can often find a name so unusual and harmonious in its sound that it is difficult to find its roots. However, popular Tatar names are quite easy to "decipher" by finding their exact meaning, which is one of the most important selection criteria. It is worth noting that after the 1917 revolution, many foreign names began to be considered Tatar names, such as: Marcel, Clara, Louise, Elvira, Albert, Camilla, etc. But these newly appeared names were not included in the official lists of national ones.
Where does the popularity of a name come from?
So why are some names more common than others? Why, it would seem, with such a rich choice, parents prefer to opt for the same names? Where do the most popular Tatar names come from? There may be several reasons for this:
- Firstly, more euphonious, easy to pronounce and listen to names are in demand more often than others. It is much more difficult to pronounce and remember a complex combination of letters, which can negatively affect a person’s self-confidence, in their abilities and skills, forcing him to show shyness more often than necessary.
- Second, you cannotice that people of about the same age have the same names more often than representatives of different generations. This can be explained by the popularity of certain media people at the time of the birth of the child, the frequent mention of the name in the media. Tatar names become popular after the release of series or films with favorite characters.
- Thirdly, as in all areas of life, the "word of mouth" method often works in choosing a name for a child. That is why the children of families who know each other often have the same names.
- True national ancient names will always be a priority.

Popular male Tatar names
Among men's enviable popularity are the names: Amir - "commanding, chief", Timur - "iron" and Karim - "generous, noble, merciful" - gaining an increasing number of followers. In addition to this top three, the following names are in demand:
- Aidar - "lunar";
- Ayrat - "expensive, amazing";
- Damir - "conscience, mind";
- Ravil - "teenager, youth";
- Ramil - "magic".

Popular Tatar names for girls
Compared to male names, the choice of popular female names is very different. Surprisingly, according to statistics, not a single Tatar female name has occupied a leading position for more than three years. The only exception is the nameAzalea. However, despite the “inconstancy”, there is still an approximate list of the names most often chosen by Tatar parents for their daughters:
- Azalea - "eternal or endless";
- Amina - "honest and faithful";
- Alfiya - "the very first, living a thousand years";
- Ralina - "sun";
- Ramilya - "magical, miraculous";
- Rania - "beautiful, flower";
- Regina - "Queen";
- Reseda - "blue flower";
- Elsa - "faithful to God".
The uniqueness of the Tatar people

Tatars are an amazing people, combining great power and strength inherited from their distant and glorious ancestors. Oriental wisdom in decision-making and the ability to adapt to circumstances make representatives of this nationality wonderful speakers, organizers and inspirers. A large number of Tatars become famous singers and dancers, representatives of the world of theater and cinema.
The history of Tatar names is also multifaceted, it intertwines different cultures and trends, past and present. The names of many celebrities are heard by most contemporaries. But, in reality, no matter what name a person has, whether it be a popular Tatar name or a rare and unique one, it is much more important how the bearer treats him, how he honors culture and traditions, how he respects the ancestors who gave him a glorious name.