In Kostroma, as in any other ancient city, there are a large number of museums. The exhibits presented in them are dedicated both to individual famous personalities whose life and work are associated with this region, and to entire eras. The museums of Kostroma, photos of which can be seen in the article, delight visitors with historical splendor. For schoolchildren and students of educational institutions, unusual lectures are held here. You can also attend master classes that will appeal to both adults and children. Young people enjoy visiting such museums. Among them there are also modern ones, where you can not only observe and examine the exhibits, but also become a participant in an interactive exposition. In Kostroma there are local history, art, museum-reserves. Their workers will be happy to tell us the history of this region.
It is worth noting that such institutions are popular not only among local residents. Those who come to these beautiful places also get acquainted with the unique heritage with great interest. For guests of the city, information about the museums of Kostroma with a description will be useful.
Museum of Wooden Architecture
This museum-reserve is located in the open air and represents various civil and church buildings that were brought from all parts of the Kostroma region. It was opened in the middle of the last century, located in a picturesque place - on the arrow of the Kostroma and Volga rivers. Nearby is the famous Ipatiev Monastery.
Among the exhibits stands out the Church of the Cathedral of the Virgin, built in the XVI century. All museums in Kostroma try to convey to contemporaries in precise detail how people lived in past centuries, which is why the log house was carefully transported from the village of Kholm to the center of the region. After that, restoration work was carried out. Also here rises the oldest surviving church in the region - Elijah the Prophet (Verkhny Berezovets village), built in the 17th century. There are also several civilian buildings on the territory of the reserve, for example, a bathhouse that was heated in a black way, a hut that belonged to a large industrialist. All exhibits contain furniture and utensils typical of the era when these buildings were in operation. Among the small forms, barns, barns, livestock buildings, sheds, and mills stand out, reflecting the life of different eras.

Museum of flax and birch bark
Museums in Kostroma were created at different times, so some of them have a century-old history, while others are modern, opened recently. However, this does not mean at all that they will not be able to surprise their visitors with the variety of exhibits. One of these is the Museum of Flax and Birch Bark. Herecombines two materials that at first glance are completely incompatible.
In the flax hall, in addition to various clothes and other things, there are spinning machines, spindles, as well as a brief description of the process of turning this plant into material, and then into finished products. Master classes popular in our time are being organized.
The birch bark section presents fairy-tale characters, bast shoes, which were also made from birch bark, various kitchen utensils, etc. There is a department for selling products of local craftsmen who work in the museum and make handmade linen products.

Guests of the city will also be amazed by the architectural monuments. Museums in Kostroma reflect different eras, for example, the guardhouse belongs to late classicism. The building itself is decorated with columns and stucco from the front. It currently houses the Museum of Military History. The exhibits are: various types of weapons, medals, orders, other awards, military documents, maps of military operations for several centuries of the last millennium. There is also an interactive exhibition with costumes from different eras and combat schemes.

Museum of Folk Crafts "Peter's Toy"
In the village of Petrovskoye they made earthenware, and from its remains - toys for children. So it was several centuries ago. It later developed into a business. Now you can get acquainted with the equipment and finished products by visiting the museums of Kostroma. One of the most popular among children is Petrovskayatoy.”
The collection includes various exhibits: whistles, figurines, not only from Petrovsky, but also from other villages. These products are characterized by the fact that the clay is not painted, but an ornament is embossed on it.
The museum occupies the territory of an old two-story mansion. Here, as in many other similar institutions, potters, enthusiasts of their craft, will teach children how to sculpt toys with their own hands.