The fattest women of the XX century

The fattest women of the XX century
The fattest women of the XX century

Very few of the fattest women in the world weighed over four hundred kilograms. In the 20th century, the American women Carol Ann Yager, Rosalie Bradford, Carol Haffner and Brazilian Joselina da'Silva surpassed the incredible milestone. These four cases of extreme obesity among women are presented in the article.

the fattest women
the fattest women

In the history of medicine, the name Carol Yager (Yaeger) is on a par with the names of the heaviest people on the planet. Moreover, an American, born in 1960, occupies the first position in the ranking of "The Fattest Women". In her life there was a period when the weight approached 727 (!) Kilograms. However, this astronomical figure has no documentary confirmation. Official sources list 544 kg, that is, Carol's body weight at the time of her death in July 1994. Morbid obesity was caused by an eating disorder that Carol Ann Yager suffered from childhood. Like the other fattest women in the world, Carol has lost the ability to move independently. In her short life (died of kidneyfailure at the age of 34) there was a period when the weight decreased by 236 kilograms.

fattest women in the world
fattest women in the world

The world weight loss record belongs to the American Rosalie Bradford, born in 1943. This puffy lady was destined to be on the pages of the record book twice. The first record is a huge weight (544 kg), the second is the loss of 416 kg of body fat. Not a single representative of the female population of the planet was able to lose weight so effectively. The fattest women often fall into despair from the inability to lead a full life, sometimes they even resort to the last resort - they attempt to commit suicide. Rosalie Bradford was no exception, at the age of 45 she decided to commit suicide. Acquaintance with Richard Simmons, a well-known specialist in the field of weight loss, gave Rosalie a new chance, which she successfully used. Following the instructions of her guru, she managed to withstand severe restrictions in the daily diet and throw off more than four centners of fat. Rosalie Bradford has passed away at age 63.

As a rule, the fattest women rarely live to adulthood. However, Hollywood resident Carol Haffner, who weighed 464 kilograms, was measured out for a relatively long age for an overly obese lady. As long as it was possible, Carol was a regular visitor to the bingo hall. After reaching her maximum weight, she made unsuccessful attempts to find a sponsor who would help her through a weight loss program in Boston. Carol died of a heart attack at the age of 59.failure.

fattest women in the world
fattest women in the world

Joselin da'Silva is a resident of Brazil, whose weight exceeded 400 kg (406). There are cases when the fattest women are subjected to heavy procedures undertaken for advertising purposes. Joselina endured a strict diet and three surgical operations to remove fatty tissue in a prestigious institution for overweight, which set itself the task of reducing the weight of a woman as much as possible, and using the results to attract new clients. She lost weight, but after leaving the walls of the treatment center, she quickly returned to her previous dimensions. The cause of her death at the age of 37 was bilateral pneumonia.
