Many people are looking for answers to questions about why a person exists, is there a God? They also try to find for themselves the most acceptable philosophy, worldview system. Some pave their way to the truth on their own, others can join various organizations. And here it is necessary to follow very carefully, so that in which case the voice of intuition prompts: "Beware of the sect!".
The concept of public safety is just fine for people of the first type. It makes it possible to form a certain understanding of the world order. It provides a comparative analysis of various "holy scriptures", studied a number of worldview systems, ideologies, and creeds.

What is the focus of the BER?
Regarding the concept of public safety Deadwater”, we can say that it is a universal methodology. Here, the theory and priorities of the management of society are disclosed, its model is shown. It also gives the concept of what the highest level of power is, how the law of time operates, thanks to which it became possible to observe (as voiced in this teaching) the change in the logic of the social behavior of people of the last century.
What is the essence of the doctrine of the "Dead Water" COB?
The concept of public security in a nutshell can not always be explained to the layman. But here it is important to highlight the main thing: thanks to this methodology, a new view of psychology, philosophy, theology, and sociology is being formed. There is a different view of economic theory and, in general, of the historical processes of Russia, as well as the place it is given on the world stage.

If we talk about the concept of public security (“Dead Water” is an epic name), then it is considered legitimate, since in 1995 it officially passed the regime of planned parliamentary hearings in the Duma of the Russian Federation, where it was approved and also recommended for implementation. It has a holistic character, and it encompasses all aspects of modern social life. This methodology has a detailed presentation in the following lexical forms.
Dead Water: Public Safety Concept (PSB) and its presentation
- Thanks to clearly analyzed worldview systems, a definition of all processes occurring in the universe is given from the positionunderstanding (awareness) of the "trinity". Here we are talking about matter, as well as information and measure.
- Through DOTA (Sufficiently General Control Theory) a description of particular controlled/self-managed processes occurring in the universe is given. They are denounced in a clear measure and formalized. The processes of various social systems in Russia and other states are also considered through the same prism.
- Global historical process. Through the description, the evolutionary development of the earth's biosphere is revealed. The factor due to which the above process is controlled is determined and formalized. Approaches regarding its management are disclosed.
- The allotted place is revealed, the role of Russia in the historical process from a global position.
- The model of a planetary society is shown as a slave civilization, such as a crowd-elite pyramid, which has a structure and mechanisms to maintain stable functioning. The reasons due to which its destruction occurs are explained. The inevitability of the adoption of a new improved model of the world order is substantiated, the mechanisms of sustainable functioning of which are also shown.
- The Law of Time. The change in the logic of people's social behavior is considered (shown on the example of the middle of the 20th century, when the ratios of reference frequencies changed: "social" and "biological"). As a result, there was a transition to a different informational state of society, where mankind has not yetstayed. A person's attitude to what is happening around him has changed, managing him according to the old rules and "laws" has become impossible. A government that does not take this into account will fail. Today, we need such a legislative device that would objectively correspond to the already manifested state of society, meaning the informational one.
- "Dead Water" (the concept of public security) gives a comparative analysis of such scriptures as the Bible, the Vedas, the Koran, the Torah, etc. It also compares modern and ancient esoteric and occult teachings, reveals the role of religious cults and teachings in governance various social processes. The methodology brings the layman to the realization that God is One, but the faiths are different, as a result of which the conflict between various warring religious denominations is removed, and reconciliation occurs. This "unifying idea" is the best fit for a multinational and multi-confessional Russia.
- Describes the management of social systems, analysis of psychological causes. The types of people's psyche, their characteristics are considered. The relations of men/women, their mutual conditions, which also affect the management in these systems, are analyzed. The modern teaching of "Dianetics" (R. Hubbard) is explained in detail.
- The concept of public security "Dead Water" also considers the processes of reproduction of generations, the accumulation of tangible / intangible products that are produced in the public association of labor,called economics. The causes of the destruction of the Russian national economy are revealed. The role of the established international credit and financial system is shown. It is considered as a method of governing peoples and states. A clear model of the national economy has been developed according to a diversified system, presented in the new information field of society, and measures have also been proposed to implement it.


The concept of public security "Dead water" Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the right to "live" until 2020. The Kremlin website contains information stating that this document contributes to the protection of a citizen and a person, spiritual and material values of society from illegal and criminal encroachments, interethnic and social conflicts, man-made and natural emergencies.
Implementation steps
"Dead water" (the concept of public security) is an effective system of views aimed at ensuring public security, which is part of the national security of the Russian Federation. It serves to strengthen the rule of law, improve normative and legal regulation in the field of prevention of corruption, offenses, extremism and terrorism. The implementation of the proposed Concept is divided into two stages. The first one (2013-2016) is the development and testing of comprehensive targeted programs and monitoring. The second stage (2017-2020) involves the implementation of specified programs, analysis.