Magical and money cowrie shell

Magical and money cowrie shell
Magical and money cowrie shell

In this article we will look at such an amazing item as a cowrie shell. What magical properties it is endowed with, what it is a symbol of, and what interesting facts about this shell the story contains.

Sea shell

In the mythological representations of many peoples of the world, the sea shell is identified with the feminine. This is largely due to the external similarity of the shell and the female external genitalia. This symbolism gives the mollusk a connection with such concepts as fertility and conception. The depth of the sea, from which the shell originates, also symbolizes the origin of all forms. Coming from the water, saturated with its memory, energy and knowledge, sea shells carry a powerful magical charge. Shells, along with marine life and pearls, are attributes of the water deity - the goddess of fertility.

Cowrie shells

Among all other sea shells, the cowrie shell has gained particular popularity. It got its name in honor of the goddess Kauri. The shell symbolizes the generative principle of the mother goddess.

cowrie shell
cowrie shell

As a revivalistsymbol, the use of these shells began from ancient times. To this day, this attribute is valued in many countries of the world. In India, for example, the shell is used as a protective amulet against the evil eye. In Egypt and the Middle East, shells are used as talismans to bring good luck, he alth and fertility. In the Pacific Islands, cowries are also endowed with magical powers that carry the energy of rebirth.

Kauri (shell). Magic Properties

There is another opinion that the use of these shells as amulets originates from the existence of the snake cult in antiquity. Kauri really has some resemblance to the head of this reptile, which opened its mouth. Traces of veneration of the snake have been preserved among many peoples, for example, in Central Asia. Among the Turks, the cowrie shell has been known as a talisman since ancient times. Very often, this amulet was used as a protection for children from diseases and the evil eye. For these purposes, shells were sewn onto children's hats. It was believed that if an unkind person wanted to "jinx" a child, cowrie would attract his attention and hold his gaze, distracting and causing him to lose his direction and strength.

kauri shell magical properties
kauri shell magical properties

Cowrie shells as cash value

It is known that the cowrie shell was used as a currency in some countries, such as China, Africa, Japan, India and others. For the first time, shells began to be used as money in coastal areas. This is not surprising, because it is therethey were in abundance. With the development of trade and navigation, kauri significantly expanded the area of \u200b\u200bhis "habitat". Her beautiful appearance contributed to the fact that she took root as a monetary unit in many countries of the world. What is characteristic is that with the advancement into the depths of the mainland, the price of kauri increased significantly. In Africa, for example, shells could be used to pay for almost any product.

Businessmen of that time noticed such a difference in the rate, and used it to get rich. They bought tons of this product, which was then exchanged in West Africa for valuable palm oil. Merchants from England, Holland and Portugal bought shells in India to sell them in Guinea for triple the price.

Why cowrie shells couldn't be faked
Why cowrie shells couldn't be faked

In Russia, during the coinless period, the cowrie shell was also popular. It was called a snake head, or a millstone. In Azerbaijan, the shell was used as a monetary unit until the 17th century.

Interesting facts

During the Second World War, when the Japanese army captured the traditional place of kauri production - the coast of the Indonesian Islands, the neighboring Dutch colonies experienced an acute shortage of foreign exchange shells. The economic life of the population was practically paralyzed. In order to somehow correct and stabilize the situation, the local authorities decided to start searching for valuable shells on the Australian coast. The search was in vain. And then one of the authorized walkers accidentally ended up in a local department store. Imagine his surprise when he found the shells he was looking for onstore shelves as children's toys! Thus, the Dutch voyagers did not return empty-handed. They managed to restore prosperity and stability to the people.

cowrie shells photo
cowrie shells photo

Is it possible to fake cowries

Another factor why this shell has gained such popularity as a currency is the inability to fake it. Why couldn't cowrie shells be faked? Because they have a very complex shape. Especially before people did not have special devices for this. All attempts to make fake shells failed. The fact that there were attempts to fake cowrie shells is evidenced by shells found in different countries of the world, made of stone, bone and other materials. They were given a form as close as possible to the original. However, the fact that these are not real cowries was visible to the naked eye. Kauri shells, photos of which can be seen in the article, are a unique and inimitable creation of nature.


The unique beauty of seashells did not leave people indifferent both in ancient times and to this day.

cowrie money shell
cowrie money shell

Their use as a monetary unit, as a talisman against the evil eye, illness and misfortune, as well as decorations suggests that this shell has always been popular, and every time it fulfilled its purpose. Kauri has come a long and interesting way both in the world of the monetary system and in the world of magic.
