With the development of the Internet, many words have taken on new meanings. And not always a person who is just starting to climb the forums understands what other users mean. For example, what does "throw" mean? It is unlikely that the usual throwing of objects is meant. However, slang words are also found in narrow-profile communities, such as sports or professional circles.
What does it mean to "throw a strike"
Bowling has become a very popular sport in recent decades. However, even the one who cheerfully marks the skittles with a ball and goes to the lane quite often, sometimes is not aware of the terminology. And he is unlikely to be able to say what it means to "throw a strike." Meanwhile, this is the highest class in bowling, when all the pins are knocked down on the first run.
"Throw a strike" has a much more unpleasant meaning, it comes to YouTube. In this case, we mean a warning issued to the owner of the channel, who either committed a violation of someone's copyright (played someone else's video without specifying the author), or violated certain norms (an abundance of nakedbodies, violence or advertising). Ignored strike leads to blocking of the channel.

Mobile slang
Cell phones are now even janitors and preschoolers. Everyone's level of mobile phone use is different. The older generation is often not aware of what it means to “throw a bum”; often they don't know how to do it. And the service is very useful: if there is no money for a call, you can send a free message to the subscriber asking him to call. The number of SMS is limited - from 5 to 10 depending on the mobile operator.

Football and Ziga
Recently, the understanding of what it means to “throw a ridge” has become very relevant. Some young people make this gesture without fully realizing its meaning. The right hand thrown up from the heart is perceived by them as a sign of victory or greeting. However, it is still worth remembering that this is how the Nazis “greeted” each other, and the gesture with which the druids once greeted the Sun has now acquired an extremely negative connotation.