Essentuki panorama - interesting about the main

Essentuki panorama - interesting about the main
Essentuki panorama - interesting about the main

Socio-political city newspaper "Essentuki Panorama" is an informational mirror of the life of the famous resort city. The newspaper has been published since 1992, and during its existence has managed to firmly gain a foothold in the status of the main announcer of events in the city and its environs.

City information

Essentuki is a world-famous drinking and balneological resort, is the administrative center of the CMS. Essentuki is famous primarily for its healing mineral water springs (No. 4 and No. 17), as well as interesting sights (mud baths, Upper and Nikolaevsky baths, pump-room of spring No. 17, etc.).

Mud bath Essentuki
Mud bath Essentuki

Due to the mild climate and very picturesque scenery, the city is very popular with tourists.

About the newspaper

The Essentuki Panorama newspaper is published weekly, on Thursdays. The circulation is 5,000 copies, while the circle of its readers is much wider: now the newspaper has groups on social networks where you can read the most interesting articles.

Readers especially liked a few permanent headings. For example,“Essentuki and Essentuki”, where you can find materials about events in the city and honored citizens, as well as answers to letters from readers.

Newspaper page
Newspaper page

The heading “Bulletin of the Council of the City of Essentuki” is interesting: it covers the activities of the City Council. News of the South of Russia publishes articles about the most important events in the Southern Federal District. The heading “Around the World with a Stroke of a Pen” offers readers an overview of global events. The "Hobbies and Entertainment" collection tells about upcoming and past events in the cultural life of the city, and also offers reviews of sports achievements, publications about the animal and plant world, interesting crosswords and scanwords. Of particular note is the permanent rubric "Sinegorye", which publishes works by talented authors of the city.

Editorial coordinates

The editorial office of the newspaper is located at the address: Essentuki, st. Volodarsky, 15. Finding the right building in the city is not difficult at all: moving by car after entering the city from the side of the M-29 highway, you need to go along the street without turning anywhere. Buachidze, then, on the roundabout after the railway bridge, keep straight ahead. After the first intersection, you can park in a convenient place - the editorial office will be directly opposite the public transport stop ul. Soviet.”


The same stop can be reached by any public transport route, including from the railway or bus stations.
