The most polluted areas of Moscow: list, environmental problems, reviews and complaints from residents

The most polluted areas of Moscow: list, environmental problems, reviews and complaints from residents
The most polluted areas of Moscow: list, environmental problems, reviews and complaints from residents

Moscow is the largest industrial, cultural, informational and business center of Russia. The most significant enterprises, the best educational and he althcare institutions are concentrated in it.

Moscow is the center of attraction for people living on the territory of the former USSR. According to official figures, the capital is inhabited by 12 million people. Not everyone can afford to buy housing in prosperous areas with an acceptable environment, since real estate prices here are incredibly high.

Therefore, many have to be content with buying an apartment in the most polluted areas of Moscow. Thus, people compensate for the gradual loss of he alth with the opportunity to live and work in the most prestigious city in Russia.

the dirtiest districts of moscow and the moscow region
the dirtiest districts of moscow and the moscow region

Ecology of the capital of Russia

Moscow is a metropolis that is one of the five largest cities in the world. But this amazingly beautiful city has a lot of environmental problems. The largest of them are noise, polluted air and surface water, radiation (there are elevennuclear reactors). The Salaryevsky landfill is located in the Russian capital - the largest landfill in Europe.

Thus, Moscow is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Therefore, the ecological situation even in the most relatively clean areas of the capital is very tense. The article provides an overview of the dirtiest areas of Moscow and the Moscow region.


Most of the industrial facilities of the capital of Russia are located in its southeastern autonomous region. Therefore, the Moscow districts located in the SEAD are not very suitable for life. Although among them there are many cozy green sleeping areas with developed infrastructure and beautiful park areas.

The most unfavorable area of the capital from the point of view of ecology is invariably considered Kapotnya, the air of which poisons the refinery. In addition, CHPP-22 is located nearby - the most powerful and dangerous source of air pollution. In Kapotnya, the wind rose is extremely unfortunate: fumes and exhausts accumulate in this area. It is located near the Moscow Ring Road, which also negatively affects the environment. Therefore, Kapotnya is the most ecologically polluted district of Moscow.

moscow bad environment
moscow bad environment


Another dirty district of the capital - Pechatniki. Like Kapotnya, it is located in the southeastern part of Moscow. This area is the longest in the southeastern part of the capital, its borders go around the Moscow River. It is in Pechatniki that the lowest point of the capital is located, where all the harmful substances that enter the air of the metropolis accumulate. In this one of the dirtiestAccording to the ecology of Moscow districts, the most polluted Moscow industrial zones are located, occupying at least sixty percent of the Pechatnikov area, as well as the Kuryanov treatment facilities - a constant source of stench.

Marino, Lyublino, Brateevo, Nekrasovka

Despite the fact that these areas of the SEAD have developed infrastructure and transport, they are quite landscaped and well-groomed, they cannot be called prestigious and comfortable for living. Large industrial facilities and aeration fields are located here. In addition, in these dirtiest areas of Moscow, all the "charms" of the neighborhood with Kapotnya are felt: the cinders and stench, the source of which is an oil refinery, regularly poison the air.

Yuzhnoportovy and Nizhny Novgorod

Yuzhnoportovy and Nizhny Novgorod districts are located in the southeastern part of the Russian capital. Eternally loaded highways pass through them. There are also several large factories (including a tire plant), extensive industrial zones, and a large thermal power plant.

the most ecologically polluted districts of Moscow
the most ecologically polluted districts of Moscow


Inside the Garden Ring there are not too many industrial enterprises that affect the ecological situation in the center of the Russian capital. But a gigantic traffic flow poisons the air, filling it with substances dangerous to human life and he alth. Therefore, despite the undeniable advantages of living in the central district of the capital, a person living there harms his he alth, because the center is one of the most environmentally polluted areas of Moscow.

Interesting fact: even inThe air in the Alexander Garden is dirtier than in some industrial districts of the city. Smog often occurs in the city center in summer. Residents of the center of Moscow are constantly at risk of acquiring such terrible diseases as asthma and cancer.

the most ecologically polluted districts of Moscow
the most ecologically polluted districts of Moscow


Altufievo district is located in the north of Moscow. It is considered one of the most polluted areas of Moscow. Its main "attraction" can be called a waste incineration plant, which is located in the center of the district near apartment buildings, poisoning the air of both Altufyevo and the surrounding areas.


Eastern and Western Degunino are located in the north of Moscow. There is a giant thermal power plant and a large number of industrial zones. Therefore, these areas can be attributed to the most polluted areas of Moscow. The situation is saved a little by a favorable wind rose, which from time to time brings clean air from the forests near Moscow.

Golovinsky district

One of the most polluted districts of Moscow - Golovinsky - is located in the north of the city. Many enterprises hazardous to he alth are located here, including the Voikov chemical plant, the Aviamotornaya industrial zone. The picturesque banks of the Likhoborka River have become the repository of a giant repository of radioactive waste, which also has a negative impact on the he alth of local residents.


Not only that there are no metro stations in West and East Biryulyovo, which makes these areas the most inaccessible in the city, in theseareas unfavorable ecological situation, which is not saved by the presence of vast green areas. The districts border on the Moscow Ring Road - a constant source of noise and engine exhaust.

Also in Biryulyovo there is a thermal power plant, a waste incineration and cement plant, and a woodworking plant. Therefore, Biryulyovo can be called one of the most polluted areas of Moscow.

ecologically polluted areas of moscow
ecologically polluted areas of moscow


Moskvorechye-Saburovo is located in the south of Moscow. In this area with a deceptively promising name, living is quite unsafe for life. The most important nuclear enterprises of the capital are concentrated here. Moskvorechye-Saburovo is also famous for the largest radioactive waste dump in the city, located on the banks of the Moscow River.

Golyanovo, East Izmailovo, Bogorodskoye

These areas are located in the east of the capital. They adjoin the large Kaloshino industrial area. Experts assess the ecology of Golyanovo, Bogorodsky and East Izmailovo as extremely tense: there is a thermal power plant and many industrial enterprises. The permissible concentration of harmful substances is constantly exceeded in the air.

Unsafe suburbs of Moscow

It is naive to believe that, having settled in a relative distance from the busy life of the capital with its harmful industries and insane traffic, in any city near Moscow you can find the desired peace and favorable ecology. Some cities of the Moscow region suffer from bad ecology no less than disadvantaged industrial areas of Moscow.

Of course, in citiesnear Moscow, where the environment is favorable, housing prices are much higher than in cities with a tense environmental situation. But is it worth buying more affordable housing near hazardous industries?

Beware of radiation

Dumps and burial sites of radioactive waste are located in the Zhostokovsky quarry, Podolsk, Ramenskoye, Sergiev Posad. In the village of Staraya Kupavna, the Isotope enterprise operates.

Moscow region rivers

Moskva River, Klyazma and Shalovka are the most polluted rivers in the Moscow region. Therefore, swimming and fishing in them is dangerous to he alth.

the dirtiest district of moscow in terms of ecology
the dirtiest district of moscow in terms of ecology

Cities near Moscow with bad ecology

The city of Elektrostal is the most polluted area of Moscow and the Moscow region. Harmful industries located within it generously saturate the air with chemical compounds dangerous to all living things.

The situation in Podolsk and Voskresensk is no better. There are nuclear enterprises in Dubna and Troitsk. There are two nuclear reactors in Khimki, and a huge Moscow thermal power plant is located not far from the city.

Disgusting ecology in Lyubertsy too: there are two waste incineration plants. Moreover, one of them is the largest in Russia! In addition, the entire capital's sewerage is drained into Lyubertsy - there are extensive aeration fields in the city. The land and water of the city are contaminated with harmful substances. Despite this, Lyubertsy is actively built up with new buildings, the demand for apartments remains high.

In Sergiev Posad is the largest burial place of radioactive waste,which are brought to the city from all relevant enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In Domodedovo and Vnukovo residents suffer from exhaust gases from a large amount of transport. The proximity to airports also does not add comfort.

In Klin, chlorine emissions are not uncommon. Nitrogen dioxide pollutes the air in the Railway.

Harmful industries also poison the air of Noginsk, Serpukhov, Mytishchi, Balashikha, Istra, Likino-Dulyovo, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Kolomna and some cities and villages that are located in the Moscow region.

Moscow landfills

According to official figures, there are forty-one overflowing garbage dumps in the Moscow region. According to unofficial data, there are several thousand such landfills! In general, there are ten million tons of garbage in the Moscow region. And while half of industrial waste is recycled, less than one percent of the rest is recycled.

polluted areas of moscow
polluted areas of moscow

In the near future, it is planned to build several waste processing complexes. In the meantime, landfills pollute groundwater and are a constant source of stench. As side effects - rats, cockroaches and homeless.

All permissible standards for the content of harmful chemical compounds in the air, soil and water have been exceeded several times. In addition, fires happen in landfills.
